We love you.

It's Valentine's Day, an occasion for people to express their affection for one another through a variety of means. Many exchange cards, but—since it's the second Wednesday of the month—we hope that the February RubyRoundup will do.

Accordingly, this edition has a lot of love pumping through it. For one, we love the Archer team and the firm's recently launched, RubyLaw-powered website. Equally, we love what the Finnegan team is doing with the Ad Law Buzz blog. (Details below!)

Also, as an expression of our love, we have a few noteworthy items to check out. One is this month's RubyLaw Live session, which is well worth a "look." Then, there's a recent article on taking steps to avoid stunting your firm's growth. Finally, we have some new and existing resources to tap into that will make your heart beat faster.

Have a thumping good month, and an awesome Valentine's Day!

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ANNOUNCEMENTS, LAUNCHES, & BREAKTHROUGHS Breaking new ground with RubyLaw Express!

Kudos to the fantastic team at Archer & Greiner, a regional and national law firm providing full-service litigation and transactional legal services, on the recent relaunch of!

Archer’s new, RubyLaw-powered site supercharges the firm’s marketing tech stack, upgrading its prior web technology with the latest version of RubyLaw. One outstanding feature of the site is the RubyLaw Super Template, which is deftly applied to the Careers page, giving recruiting initiatives a further boost and the marketing team unparalleled design and layout flexibility.

Beyond attracting new hires and laterals, the firm will also benefit from RubyLaw Proposals, a proposal automation module that outputs beautiful, brand-aligned business development documents featuring the content managed by RubyLaw.

For RubyLaw, this is the first of several ongoing RubyLaw Express initiatives, providing the power and utility of the premium RubyLaw offering at a leaner price point.

Check out the new Archer here.

RubyLaw Live: Lookin' at Looker (2/15/24)

The February edition of RubyLaw Live is scheduled for Thursday, February 15 at 4pm ET. (For anyone keeping score, that’s tomorrow.)

RubyLaw Live provides RubyLaw clients with an opportunity to ask questions, check out new RubyLaw features, raise new ideas, and connect with fellow RubyLaw users. It's also a chance to learn something new from our experts; this next session is no exception.

This month, we’re lookin' at Google’s Looker Studio. This product was formerly known as Google Data Studio, and it allows marketers to create elegant, easy-to-read, shareable web analytics reports. Our session will focus on how Looker Studio connects directly to Google Analytics 4 (and Google Tag Manager indirectly) to dramatically simplify and beautify your reporting to make informed marketing decisions.

RubyLaw Live is complimentary to all RubyLaw clients.

Please join us, and feel free to submit a question when you sign up. You may also pose questions anonymously if you prefer!

This event is open to RubyLaw clients only

Finnegan Launches Ad Law Buzz Blog: Check it out!

Congrats to the team at Finnegan for launching the Ad Law Buzz blog, powered by RubyLaw. This relatively new outlet provides news and information about essential decisions, key developments, and evolving trends in advertising law.

Among the insights, readers can access posts on topics like the impact of new directives on “green” advertising in the EU, and consequences for trade associations and influencers that didn't follow the FTC’s endorsement guides, and much more!

From the RubyLaw vantage point, what's truly special is the approach taken by the Finnegan team to look to RubyLaw to support its blogs—a tactic taken by an increasing number of firms.

Check out Finnegan's Ad Law Buzz blog here!

Outdated Technology Is Stunting Your Firm’s Growth: Read the article! 

At the start of every new year, many professionals resolve to make changes and lead better work-lives than in the prior year. This process involves setting goals, defining strategies for achieving them, aligning objectives and supporting activities with targeted deadlines, and then going out and doing them.

RubyLaw, as a company, has established similar goals or “resolutions”—one of which is to rid law firm marketing teams of web technology that significantly stunts growth.

Our comprehensive legal marketing technology study in 2023 taught us that…[Read the rest of the article]

Touchdowns and touch-ups, end zones and new beginnings

With another football season behind us—congrats, Chiefs (and Swifties); commiserations, 49ers—now is as good a time as any to look ahead to what your team can draft in for the next one.

Shifting from football to legal marketing, this means thinking about your current solutions and processes, identifying pain points, and taking strategic steps to get the most out of your upcoming campaigns, identifying your best potential performers, and replacing (or upgrading), where possible., our complimentary resource for legal marketers and business developers, has scores of content, studies, research, and interactive tools to help you and your team improve for the next season.

We'll also release a new insights series, RubyLaw Stack: Unpacked, on LinkedIn over the coming days and weeks. (Sorry, fans, no Taylor cameos.)

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